Jay Nelson's Home Page

Personal InformationProfessional InformationHobbies and InterestsFavorite Web Sites

Personal Information

In second grade, our teacher asked us to figure out how old we would be in the year 2000. As a seven year old, I was impressed to learn that I would be 44--an unimaginable age, an unscalable mountain of years. What would it be like? Now I know. It was a lot like being seven.

The second year of the new millennium--or the first, if you want to nitpick--has been a bummer. I would elaborate, but I would like to finish Case 4 this week.

Take a look at my current photo.

Professional Information

Current Occupation: None

I am taking a Web Design course that will bring me riches beyond imagination.

Hobbies and Interests

Favorite Web Sites

University of Washington Rowing Team

Diablo Valley Soccer Club